1 /*=============================================================================
   2 |
   3 | NAME
   4 |
   5 |     StyleSheet.css
   6 |
   8 |
   9 |     External cascading style sheet for my web pages.
  10 |
  11 |     It is a W3C validated CSS Level 2 document.
  12 |
  13 | USAGE
  14 |
  15 |    To link to it in a hypertext document, put the following statement,
  16 |
  17 |        <link rel="StyleSheet" href="StyleSheet.css" type="text/css" />
  18 |
  19 |    within the <head>...</head> section of an HTML document.
  20 |
  21 | LEGAL
  22 |
  23 |   Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by Sean Erik O'Connor.  All Rights Reserved.
  24 |   last updated 01 Jan 24
  25 |
  26 =============================================================================*/
  28 /* CSS rule with universal selector to clear padding and margins in every 
  29  * element before we add our own. 
  30  */
  32 *
  33 {
  34     padding: 0 ;
  35     margin:  0 ;
  36 }
  38 /*
  39  * ------------------------------ Hyperlinks ----------------------------------
  40  *
  41  * CSS rules for pseudo-class selectors containing property/value pairs.
  42  * Must be in this order due to CSS cascade rules.
  43  */
  45 /* Visited links have purple text.  You must have your browser history enabled 
  46  * and set to more than 0 days to see a visited link change color.  
  47  * Links stay colored until you clear the browser history and refresh the page.
  48  */
  49 a:visited
  50 {
  51    color:               rgb( 153,   0, 153 ) ;
  52    background-color:    transparent ;
  53 }
  55 /* Unvisited links are dark blue. */
  56 a:link
  57 {
  58    color:               rgb(   0,   0, 153 ) ;
  59    background-color:    transparent ;
  60 }
  62 /* When the mouse cursor hovers over a hyperlink, change color to cyan. */
  63 a:hover
  64 {
  65    color:               rgb(   0,  96, 255 ) ;
  66    background-color:    transparent ;
  67 }
  69 /* When the mouse cursor hovers over a hyperlink containing an image, fade the image. */
  70 a:hover img
  71 {
  72     opacity: 0.7 ;
  73 }
  75 /* Clicked hyperlink is light red. */
  76 a:active
  77 {
  78    color:               rgb( 255,   0, 102 ) ;
  79    background-color:    transparent ;
  80 }
  82 /*
  83  * ------------------------------ Body Settings -------------------------------- 
  84  */
  86  /* Default settings for all my main web pages. */
  87 body
  88 {
  89     /* A wide sans-serif font is more readable on the web. */
  90     font-family:            Verdana, Geneva, "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif ;
  92     /* Set the body font size a little smaller than the user's default browser setting. */
  93     font-size:              0.8em ;
  95     /* Black text is easier to read. */
  96     color:                  black ;
  98     /*  More vertical space between lines for more pleasant reading.  Use a unitless font height multiplier.  
  99         Length and percentage percentage values can give scrunched text due to poor inheritance behavior. */
 100     line-height:            1.7 ;
 102     /*  While waiting for the browser to load the background image of simulated blue paper, color the background solid light blue to match. */
 103     background-color:       rgb( 170, 235, 245 ) ;
 104     background-image:       url( "Images/blueBackground.jpg" ) ;
 106     /*  Tile the background. */
 107     background-repeat:      repeat ;
 109     /*  Background image stays fixed while the foreground text scrolls. */
 110     background-attachment:  fixed ;
 111 }
 113 /* Mobile devices don't have hover and usually don't honor fixed background due to increased computation. */
 114 @media (hover: none)
 115 {
 116     body
 117     {
 118         background-attachment: initial ;
 119     }
 120 }
 122 /* Body pages of the technical report class have a background which is very light blue simulated 
 123  * paper for increased readability.  Apply all the default body property/values first.  This rule,
 124  * which is more specific, since it uses a class selector, can override the body background-color,
 125  * and background-image properties.
 126  */
 127 body.technicalReport
 128 {
 129     /*  While waiting for the browser to load the background image of simulated blue paper, color the background solid light blue to match. */
 130     background-color:       rgb( 239, 247, 247 ) ;
 131     background-image:       url( "Images/bluePaper.jpg" ) ;
 132 }
 134 /* 
 135  * ------------------------------ Grid Wrapper ------------------------------
 136  *
 137  * Web Page Layout
 138  *
 139  * +--- head ------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 140  * |  metas                                                                          |
 141  * |  link to stylesheet                                                             |
 142  * +--- head ------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 143  *
 144  * +--- body, body.techincalReport --------------------------------------------------+
 145  * |                                                                                 |
 146  * |   +------------ div.wrapper, div.technicalReport, div.titlePage ------------+   |
 147  * |   |                                                                         |   |
 148  * |   |    SEE GRID LAYOUT BELOW                                                |   |
 149  * |   |                                                                         |   |
 150  * |   +------- div.wrapper -----------------------------------------------------+   |
 151  * |                                                                                 |
 152  * +--- body ------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 153  *
 154  * Grid Layout
 155  *
 156  * Some pages will be missing nav and aside.
 157  *
 158  *                              div.wrapper 
 159  *    grid columns
 160  *    1    2         3                                              4
 161  *    +-----+----------------- header.title -------------------------+ 1  grid rows
 162  *    |     |                                                        |
 163  *    |     |                    h1                                  |
 164  *    a     |                    hr                                  |
 165  *    s     |                                                        |
 166  *    i     +--------------- header.navigation ----------------------+ 2
 167  *    d     |                                                        |
 168  *    e     |     nav hyperlink 1 ... nav hyperlink n                |
 169  *    .     |                                                        |
 170  *    b     +---------+------- article.content ----------------------+ 3
 171  *    o     |         |                                              |
 172  *    r  i  |  nav    |           h2                                 |
 173  *    d  m  |  link 1 |           section                            |
 174  *    e  a  |    .    |           h3                                 |
 175  *    r  g  |    .    |           section                            |
 176  *    |  e  |    .    |           h4                                 |
 177  *    |     |  nav    |           section                            |
 178  *    |     |  link n |           ...                                |
 179  *    |     |         |                                              |
 180  *    |     +---------+------- footer.footer ------------------------+ 4
 181  *    |     |                                                        |
 182  *    |     |            legal and other stuff                       |
 183  *    |     |                                                        |
 184  *    +-----+--------------------------------------------------------+ 5
 185  *
 186  *
 187  * CSS Box Model
 188  *
 189  *     +------------------------------------+
 190  *     |  margin                            |
 191  *     |   +-----------border------------+  |
 192  *     |   |  padding                    |  |
 193  *     |   |     +-------------------+   |  |
 194  *     |   |     |    C O N T E N T  |   |  |
 195  *     |   |     +-------------------+   |  |
 196  *     |   |                     padding |  |
 197  *     |   +-----------border------------+  |
 198  *     |                            margin  |
 199  *     +------------------------------------+
 200  */
 202 /* Basic grid layout common to all wrappers. */
 203 div.wrapper
 204 {
 205     /* Flex grid. */
 206     display: grid ;
 208     /* For div.wrapper pages, 
 209      Column 1 contains the margin with the border image which we make slightly larger than the img.border class to give a thin space on the right.
 210      Column 2 is the vertical navigation sidebar.  Minimum is set wide enough so words in the navigation
 211      hyperlinks don't overflow to the right.  Maximum is clamped to a very wide page doesn't have big stretched out navigation hyperlinks.
 212      Column 3 is most of the page, so it gets the most relative space.  We use high fr number so that
 213      a very wide page shows more content and less navigation hyperlinks. */
 214     grid-template-columns:  1.5em minmax( 9em, 1fr ) 30fr ;
 215 }
 217 /* Yes, every body contains a wrapper for laying out a basic grid.  But we might want to tweak the grid a little.
 218    So make up new CSS "subclasses".  Then a wrapper we can "inherit" from both the basic wrapper and the subclasses,
 219         <div class="wrapper titlePage">
 220    The style of a descendent element such as article can change when it knows it is within a titlePage,
 221         div.titlePage article.content { 
 223         }
 224    One more thing - we could add additional style rules within the subclass wrappers, if needed.
 225 */
 226 div.technicalReport
 227 {
 228 }
 230 div.titlePage
 231 {
 232 }
 234 /* Top of page header. */
 235 header.title
 236 {
 237     grid-column: 2 / 4 ;
 238     grid-row:    1 ;
 239 }
 242 /* Horizontal navigation menu bar at the top. */
 243 header.navigation
 244 {   /* Items within this container are of flexbox type.  They flow in 1D horizontally. */
 245     display: flex ;
 247     /* Put the first hyperlink at the beginning. */
 248     justify-content: flex-start ;
 250     /* Words in the navigation hyperlink wrap around to the next row. Note a single looooong word would
 251        overflow the navigation menu into the content. */
 252     flex-flow:       row wrap ;
 254     /* This container spans grid columns 2, 3 and 4 of row 2 in the enclosing div container. */
 255     grid-column:     2 / 4 ;
 256     grid-row:        2 ;
 258     /* One letter wide for top, right, bottom left margins. */
 259     margin:          1em ;
 260 }
 262 /*  Descendent combinator selector.  Apply only to images somewhere within the navigation header heirarchy. */
 263 header.navigation img
 264 {
 265     vertical-align:  top ;   /* Text bottom aligns with image middle. */
 266     margin-left:     1em ;   /* Prevent text from running into the images. */
 267 }
 269 /* Hyperlinks in the navigation header have smaller margins. */
 270 header.navigation a
 271 {
 272     margin-right: 1em ;
 273 }
 276 /* Navigation sidebars. */
 277 nav
 278 {
 279     grid-column:       2 ;
 280     grid-row:          3 / 4 ;
 282     color:             black ;
 284     background-color:  transparent ;
 285     padding:           0.2em ;
 287     border:            none ;
 288     top:               1em ;
 289     left:              0 ;
 290     margin-left:       0.1em ;
 291 }
 293 /*
 294  * Child combinator selector for an unordered list which is a child of nav.
 295  */
 296 nav > ul
 297 {
 298     /* Remove all default padding and margins. */
 299     padding: 0 ;
 300     margin:  0 ;
 301 }
 303 /*
 304  * Special rules when <li> is a child of the <ul> which is a child of nav.
 305  */
 306 nav > ul > li
 307 {
 308     list-style-type:  none ;   /* Remove list bullets. */
 309     list-style:       none ;   /* Hack:  because Firefox doesn't listen to list-style-type here. */
 311     font-size:        0.55em ; /* Small unobtrusive font. */
 313     margin-bottom:    0.7em ;  /* Leave some space between blocks. */
 314 }
 316 /* Special rules for a hyperlink <a href="..."></a> child of a li which is child of ul which is child of nav.   */
 317 nav > ul > li > a
 318 {
 319     display:          block ;       /* Convert hyperlinks from inline to block so we can color the background.  Can't do that with inline elements.  */
 321     text-decoration:  none ;        /* Remove default hyperlink underlining. */
 323     padding:          0.2em 1.2em ; /* Add space before and after the text so hover background isn't flush against the text. */
 325     border-radius:    1em ;         /* Rounded edges on the hyperlinks. */
 326 }
 328 /* Unclicked hyperlinks show up as black on blue */
 329 nav > ul > li > a:link
 330 {
 331     font-family:      "CopperPlate", sans-serif ;
 332     font-size:        1.5em ;                /* A little larger to be readable. */
 333     color:            rgb(  50,  50,  50 ) ; /* Dark gray text color. */
 335     background-color: rgb( 222, 240, 255 ) ; /* Background is light blue. */
 336 }
 338 /* Applies to the <a href element in a nav but only when hovering.  */
 339 nav > ul > li > a:hover
 340 {
 341     color: white ;                           /* Text color white for contrast. */
 343     background-color: rgb( 100, 150, 250 ) ; /* Color the whole block background light blue. */
 344 }
 347 /* Bulk of page goes into an article of content the class.  It is divided into sections. */
 348 article.content
 349 {
 350     grid-column: 3 ;
 351     grid-row: 3 / 4 ;
 353     margin-left:  1em ;
 354     margin-right: 2em ;
 355 }
 357 /* Title pages have no navigation bar, i.e. no <nav>...</nav> in their html.  
 358  * Widen the article area to fill the space which the nav would have occupied. 
 359  */
 360 div.titlePage article.content
 361 {
 362     grid-column: 2 / 4 ;
 363 }
 367 /* Usually will contain an image of class border in the entire left vertical margin for decoration. */
 368 aside.border
 369 {
 370     grid-column: 1 ;
 371     grid-row:    1 / 5 ;
 372 }
 375 footer.footnote
 376 {
 377     grid-column: 2 / 4 ;
 378     grid-row: 4 ;
 379 }
 381 /*
 382  * -------------------------- Headings  ----------------------------------------
 383  */
 385 /*  Ordinary page title.  */
 386 h1
 387 {
 388     /* Serif looks more elegant.  Make it larger and centered since it's a title. */
 389     font-family:    "Garamond", "Times New Roman", serif ;
 390     font-size:      2.5em ;
 391     text-align:     center ;
 393    /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 394     clear: both ;
 395 }
 397 /*
 398  *  My name on the title page using a background image since I can't rely on Zapfino font being available on browsers.
 399  */
 400 h1.name
 401 {
 402     min-height:          2.3em ;         /* Have a minimum font height, otherwise, leave scalable with viewport. */
 404     background-color:    transparent ;   /* Let the body background show through. */
 405     background-image:    url( "Images/SeanErikOConnor.png" )  ; /* PNG image with transparent background. */
 406     background-repeat:   no-repeat ;
 407     background-size:     contain ;       /* Make the image fit the box when we resize the page. */
 408     background-position: center center ; /* Center the image in the box. */
 410     margin-top:          0.2em ;         /* Spacing all around so image doesn't bump up against its box. */
 411     margin-bottom:       0.3em ;
 412     margin-left:         0.5em ;
 413     margin-right:        0.5em ;
 415     clear: both ;                        /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 416 }
 418 /*
 419  * Put my name into the title, but don't display it.
 420  * This way text-only browsers can see it.
 421  */
 422 h1.name > span
 423 {
 424     display:          none ;
 425 }
 427 /*  Elegant green script page title.  */
 428 h1.stylish
 429 {
 430     font-family:      "Brush Script MT", "Comic Sans MS", "Times New Roman", cursive ;
 431     font-size:        3em ;
 432     text-align:       center ;
 433     color:            #009900 ;  /* Green */
 435     background-color: transparent ;
 437     clear:            both ;    /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 438 }
 440 /*  Title for author and date. */
 441 h2
 442 {
 443     font-family:    "Garamond", "Times New Roman", serif ;
 444     font-size:      2em ;
 445     text-align:     center ;
 447     clear:          both ;   /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 448 }
 450 /* Title for email. */
 451 h2.email
 452 {
 453     font-family:    "Garamond", "Times New Roman", serif ;
 454     font-size:      medium ;
 455     text-align:     center ;
 457     clear:          both ;   /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 458 }
 460 /*  Top level section heading. */
 461 h3
 462 {
 463     font-family:        "Garamond", "Times New Roman", serif ;
 464     font-size:          1.5em ;
 465     text-align:         left ;
 466     letter-spacing:     0.1em ; /* Spread letters out a little horizontally. */
 467     color:              white ; /* White text on horizontal gradient colored brown to blue bar. */
 469     background:         linear-gradient(0.25turn, rgba(187,139,92,1) 70%, rgba(183,217,231,1)) ;
 470     padding-left:       1em ; /* Move the text away from the background edge a little. */
 472     margin-top:         1em ; /* Throw in extra line spacing above and below this heading. */
 473     margin-bottom:      1em ;
 475     clear:              both ;    /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 476 }
 478 /*  Subsection heading. */
 479 h4
 480 {
 481     font-family:    "Garamond", "Times New Roman", serif ;
 482     font-size:      1.5em;
 483     text-align:     left ;
 485     border-top:     none ; /* A silver underline extending across the page. */
 486     border-left:    none ;
 487     border-right:   none ;
 488     border-bottom:  solid ;
 489     border-color:   silver ;
 490     border-width:   0.3em ;
 492     margin-top:     1em ; /* Throw in extra line spacing above and below this heading. */
 493     margin-bottom:  1em ;
 495     clear:          both ;   /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 496 }
 498 /* Sub-subsection heading. */
 499 h5
 500 {
 501     /* Smaller dark blue text. */
 502     font-family:    "Garamond", "Times New Roman", serif ;
 503     font-size:      1.2em ;
 504     text-align:     left ;
 505     color:          rgb( 0, 30, 240) ;
 507     border-top:     none ; /* A thin dark blue underline extending across the page. */
 508     border-left:    none ;
 509     border-right:   none ;
 510     border-bottom:  solid ;
 511     border-color:   rgb( 0,  30, 240) ;
 512     border-width:   0.07em ;
 514     margin-top:      1em ; /* Throw in extra line spacing above and below this heading. */
 515     margin-bottom:   1em ;
 517     clear:          both ;    /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 518 }
 520 /* Modify to match the lighter background. */
 521 body.technicalReport h3
 522 {
 523     background:         linear-gradient(0.25turn, rgba(187,139,92,1) 60%, rgba(227,247,247,1)) ;
 524 }
 526 /*
 527  * --------------------------- Inline text ----------------------------------
 528  *
 529  *  Text for source code.  Use a narrow monospace font so columns of code align.
 530  *  We don't need to use <br /> at the end of each line of code:  pre text
 531  *  is displayed as written, not flowed.  The font is the same size as
 532  *  ordinary paragaphs for compatibility.
 533  */
 534 pre, tt, code
 535 {
 536     font-family:    "Courier New", "Andale Mono", "Menlo", monospace ;
 537     font-weight:    bold ;
 538     font-size:      larger ;
 540     margin-left:    2em ;
 541     margin-top:     1em ;
 542     margin-bottom:  1em ;
 543 }
 545 /*  Emphasized text --- bold italic. */
 546 em
 547 {
 548     font-style:  italic ;
 549     font-weight: bold ;
 550 }
 552 /*  Highly emphasized text red on blue-gray. */
 553 em.warning
 554 {
 555     color:            red ;
 556     background-color: rgb( 220, 220, 240 ) ; /* Gray with blue tint. */
 557 }
 559 /* 
 560  * But when it's within an h3 heading, just make the text red and don't
 561  * alter the background color.
 562  */
 563 h3 em.warning
 564 {
 565     color:            red ;
 566     background-color: transparent ;
 567 }
 569 /*  Highly emphasized text blue on blue-gray. */
 570 em.caution
 571 {
 572     color:            blue ;
 573     background-color: rgb( 220, 220, 240 ) ; /* Gray with blue tint. */
 574 }
 576 /*  White text. */
 577 em.light
 578 {
 579     color:            gray ;
 580     font-size:        0.5em ;
 581 }
 583 /* Italic dark blue, but only when in an h3 heading. */
 584 h3 em.caution
 585 {
 586     color:            blue ;
 587     background-color: transparent ;
 588 }
 590 /* Used for hotkey commands in Blender. */
 591 em.hotkey
 592 {
 593     color:             rgb(150, 50, 50); /* Dark brown. */
 594     padding:           0.1em ;
 595     background-color:  lightblue ;
 596 }
 598 /*  Strong importance --- generally bold text. */
 599 strong
 600 {
 601     text-transform:   uppercase ;  /* All bold caps. */
 602     font-weight:      bold ;
 603 }
 605 /* Italic text, but colored blue for more emphasis. */
 606 i
 607 {
 608     font-style:  italic ;
 609     color:       blue ;
 610 }
 612 /*
 613 * ----------------------- Paragraphs ---------------------------------------
 614 *
 615 * For example,
 616 *     <p>I am a ordinary paragraph</p>
 617 *     <p class = "footnote">I am a footnote</p>
 618 *
 619 */
 621 /*  Ordinary paragraphs with justified text like a book. */
 622 p
 623 {
 624     font-family:    Verdana, Geneva, "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif ;
 625     text-align:     justify ;
 627     margin-left:    1em ;
 628     margin-top:     1em ;
 629     margin-bottom:  1em ;
 630 }
 632 /* Paragraphs for pseudocode.
 633  *
 634  * Example:
 635  *
 636  * <p class="pseudocode">
 637  *     <i>this = line( code ) + 1 ;</i> <em>This is a comment for line 1</em>
 638  * </p>
 639  * <p class="pseudocode">
 640  *     <i>this = line( code ) + 2 ;</i> <em>This is a comment for line 2</em>
 641  * </p>
 642  *
 643  * */
 644 p.pseudocode
 645 {
 646     line-height: 0.1em ;
 647     font-style:  italic ;
 648     font-weight: bold ;
 649 }
 651 /* Indented code.  We can nest these to get more indentation as needed. */
 652 p.pseudocode i
 653 {
 654     margin-left: 3em ;
 655 }
 657 /* Comments at the end of code lines. */
 658 p.pseudocode em
 659 {
 660     color: gray ;
 661     font-size: 0.9em ;
 663     margin-left: 2em ;
 664 }
 666 /*  Paragraphs with more vertical spacing. */
 667 p.spacedout
 668 {
 669     font-size:      medium ;
 671     margin-left:    2em ;
 672     margin-top:     3em ;
 673     margin-bottom:  2em ;
 674 }
 676 /*  Footnotes.  They are colored unobtrusively.  */
 677 p.footnote
 678 {
 679     font-size:         0.8em ; /* Fraction of the size of the parent font of the paragraph (usually the body) */
 680     color:             gray ;
 682     background-color:  transparent ;
 684     margin-top:        2em ;
 686     clear: both ;      /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
 687 }
 689 /*  Paragraph with a box around it. */
 690 p.box
 691 {
 692     display:           inline-block ;
 694     color:             black ;
 695     font-size:         0.8em ;
 696     font-weight:       bold ;
 698     background-color:  transparent ;
 699     padding:           1em ;
 701     border:            solid ;
 702     border-width:      medium ;
 703     border-color:      silver ;
 704 }
 706 /*  Red change bar.  */
 707 p.changed
 708 {
 709     padding-left:      0.2em ; /* Space the border more leftwards. */
 711     border-left:       solid ;
 712     border-right:      none ;
 713     border-top:        none ;
 714     border-bottom:     none ;
 715     border-left-width: thin ;
 716     border-color:      red ;
 717  }
 719 /*  Work-in-progress type change bar.  */
 720 p.inprogress
 721 {
 722     padding-left:      0.2em ; /* Space the border more leftwards. */
 724     border-left:       solid ;
 725     border-right:      none ;
 726     border-top:        none ;
 727     border-bottom:     none ;
 728     border-left-width: thick ;
 729     border-color:      red ;
 730 }
 732 /*  Paragraph with very small print.  */
 733 p.fineprint
 734 {
 735     font-size:         0.8em ;
 736     font-style:        italic ;
 738     background-color:  transparent ;
 740     margin-left:       4em ;
 741     margin-right:      4em ;
 742 }
 744 p.example
 745 {
 746     font-size:      1.3em ;    /* Contents is white text. */
 747     font-style:     italic ;
 748     color:          white ;
 750     background-color: rgb(  50, 100, 255 ) ; /* Padding (background) color is light blue. */
 751     padding-left:   4em ;      /* Padding around the contents. */
 752     padding-right:  2em ;
 753     padding-top:    4em ;
 754     padding-bottom: 2em ;
 756     border:           dashed ;
 757     border-width:     0.3em ;
 758     border-color:     rgb( 255, 100, 100 ) ;   /* Border color is light red. */
 760     margin-top:       5em ; /* Margin is transparent.  We show different offsets to illustrate. */
 761     margin-left:      3em ;
 762     margin-bottom:    0em ;
 763 }
 765 /*
 766  * --------------------- Scroll Box ---------------
 767  *
 768  * Example:
 769  *
 770  * <div class="scrollBox"> <div class="scrollBoxContent">
 771  *     text ...
 772  *     text
 773  * </div> * </div>
 774  *
 775  * This was hard to do since the scroll bars overlay the rounded corners, hiding them.
 776  * I used a modified form of the solution suggested here: 
 777  *     https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16676166/apply-border-radius-to-scrollbars-with-css`
 778  *
 779  * We could also do .scrollBox instead of div.scrollBox which would apply to other HTML elements, not just div.
 780  */
 781 div.scrollBox, div.scrollBoxTiny, div.scrollBoxSmall, div.scrollBoxMedium, div.scrollBoxLarge, div.scrollBoxHuge
 782 {
 783     font-family:        "Courier New", "Andale Mono", "Menlo", monospace ;
 784     font-weight:        bold ;
 785     font-size:          1.0em ;
 786     /* Preserve newlines, collapse spaces and tabs, but wrap text. 
 787        -Preserve newlines so we don't have to put <br> at the end of every line.
 788        -Collapse spaces and tabs.  Text which is indented in the HTML will show up as left justified in the box.
 789        -Enable wrapping so when the browser window is made smaller, text will flow to fill the box.
 790     */
 791     white-space:        pre-line ;
 792     height:             12em ;   /* Reduce for a particular box if there isn't enough text to avoid showing blank lines. */
 793     width:              80% ;
 794     color:              black ;
 796     background-color:   rgb( 225, 240, 255 ) ; /* Cyan tinted background. */
 798     border:             solid ;
 799     border-radius: 1em ; /* Rounded corners. */
 800     border-width:       0.3em ;
 801     border-color:       rgb( 120,120, 255 ) ; /* Light blue. */
 803     margin-top:         1em ;    /* Vertical separation between adjacent boxes. */
 804     margin-left:        3em ;    /* Slightly inset from the left. */
 806     overflow:           hidden ;  /* Clip off any crap bleeding over from the content box below (if any). */
 807 }
 809 div.scrollBoxTiny
 810 {
 811     height:             3em ;
 812 }
 814 div.scrollBoxSmall
 815 {
 816     height:             5em ;
 817 }
 819 div.scrollBoxMedium
 820 {
 821     height:             7em ;
 822 }
 824 div.scrollBoxLarge
 825 {
 826     height:             9em ;
 827 }
 829 div.scrollBoxHuge
 830 {
 831     height:             20em ;
 832 }
 834 /* This is the scroll box content which has scroll bars and fits into the scroll box container. */
 835 div.scrollBoxContent
 836 {
 837     /* I don't know why I see a vertical offset in the container, but this works around it and 
 838      * seems to work OK when scaling the browser window.  */
 839     margin-top:   -1.7em ;
 841     height:       100% ; /* Fit the contents to the container. */
 843     overflow:     auto ; /* Let the browser decide about showing scroll bars. */
 844 }
 846 /*
 847  * --------------------- Forms ----------------------------------------------
 848  *
 849  * Here's an example where a form contains several lists.
 850  * Each list contains several fieldsets.
 851  * Each fieldset contains several pairs.  
 852  * And each pair is a legend followed by an input control.
 853  * 
 854  *   <form id="LifePatternsForm">
 855  *      <ul>
 856  *          <li>
 857  *              <!-- Game of Life clipboard controls -->
 858  *              <fieldset>
 859  *                  <legend>Clipboard</legend>
 860  *                  <input type="button" onclick="gameOfLife.writeGameToClipboard()"  value="Write" />
 861  *                  <input type="file"   id="GameOfLifeLoadFile"  name="files[]" multiple />
 862  *              </fieldset>
 863  *           </li>
 864  *      </ul>
 865  *  </form>
 866  */
 868 /* Clear properties for all forms.  We'll set them below. */
 869 form
 870 {
 871     padding:     0 ;
 873     border:      0 ;
 875     margin:      0 ;
 876 }
 878 form img
 879 {
 880     vertical-align: middle ;
 881 }
 883 form ul
 884 {
 885     list-style-type:   none ; /* Remove bullets. */
 886     list-style-image:  none ;
 888     padding:           0 ;
 890     margin:            0 ;
 891 }
 893 /* Within a form, the fieldset is the container for the buttons, fields, controls, etc. */
 894 form fieldset
 895 {
 896     font-family:       Verdana, Geneva, "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif ;
 897     font-size:         smaller ;
 898     color:             navy ;
 900     background-color:  lightskyblue ;
 901     padding:           0 ;
 903     border:            0 ;
 905     margin:            0 ;
 906 }
 908 /*  Style for input controls of the button or file type within a fieldset container. */
 909 fieldset input[ type = 'button' ], fieldset input[ type = 'file' ]
 910 {
 911     font-style:        italic ;
 912     cursor:            pointer ; /* Hand when hovering over the button. */
 914     padding:           0.3em ;
 915 }
 917 /* Within each fieldset, float legends to the left and justify their text to the right.  
 918  * The controls following each legend will then line up evenly along a column.
 919  */
 920 fieldset legend
 921 {
 922     text-align:    right ;
 923     width:         12em ;
 925     margin-right:  1.5em ;
 927     float:         left ;
 928 }
 930 /* Style text within all fieldsets. */
 931 fieldset textarea
 932 {
 933     font-family:       "Courier New", "Andale Mono", "Menlo", monospace ;
 934     color:             navy ;
 935     cursor:            auto ;   /* Vertical bar cursor when hovering over text. */
 937     background-color:  rgb( 240, 240, 245 ) ; /* Light blue */
 939     resize:            none ;   /* Don't allow user to resize, only scroll. */
 940     width:             100% ;
 941 }
 943 /*
 944  * --------------------- Images ---------------------------------------------
 945  */
 947 /* Images by themselves are centered in the containing block and have a decorative frame.
 948  *
 949  * <img class="centered" src="Images/BlenderScreenshot.png" alt="" />
 950  */
 952 /* Fake inheritance in CSS by declaring common properties for all three image classes first.
 953  * then overriding properties for each individual class.
 954  */
 955 img.centered, img.centeredsmaller, img.centeredsmallest
 956 {
 957     display:           block ;                       /* Default HTML ordering. */
 959     padding:           0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em ;     /* Thin region of background color surrounding the image. */
 960     background-color:  rgb( 100, 150, 150 ) ;        /* Background color is dark greenish gray. */
 962     border:            solid;                        /* Frame surrounding the background. */
 963     border-width:      0.3em;                        /* Thin frame. */
 964     border-color:      rgb( 0, 50, 50 ) ;            /* Thin greenish black. */
 965     border-radius:     1em ;                         /* Curved edges for image frame. */
 967     margin-left:       auto ;                        /* Margin surrounding the border.  Center the image horizontally. */
 968     margin-right:      auto ;
 969     margin-top:        2em ;                         /* Small fixed margin gives added space above and below. */
 970     margin-bottom:     2em ;
 972     max-width:         100% ;                       /* Image won't be larger than its containing block 
 973                                                        (usually the body or grid element), so no scroll bars will appear. */
 974 }
 976 img.centeredsmaller
 977 {
 978     max-width:         60% ; /* Shrink the image smaller than its containing block. */
 979 }
 981 img.centeredsmallest
 982 {
 983     max-width:         40% ;
 984 }
 986 /*
 987  * Images in a technical report (all descendents of body) have a lighter frame color to match the lighter body.
 988  */
 989 body.technicalReport img.centered img.centeredsmaller img.centeredsmallest
 990 {
 991     background-color:  rgb( 170, 205, 205 ) ; /* Light blue-gray. */
 992 }
 994 /* Inline images which are children of paragraphs (e.g. equations),
 995  * and any images which are descendants of table rows and lists.
 996  */
 997 p > img, li img, td img
 998 {
 999      /* Make the image a little larger than the font height.  That stops the image from shrinking and
1000       * being aliased as the browser crudely resamples the natural image height.
1001       */
1002     min-height:     1.3em ;
1003     vertical-align: middle ; /* Align these images to the middle of the text line vertically. */
1005     margin-bottom:  0.5em ;  /* Leave a little room at the bottom so images won't run together if they are adjacent list items. */
1006 }
1008 /* Image within a hotkey combination which has a box around the text. */
1009 em.hotkey > img
1010 {
1011     vertical-align:    middle ; /* Align these images to the middle of the text line vertically. */
1013     background-color:  transparent ;
1015     border:            solid ;
1016     border-width:      medium ;
1017     border-color:      silver ;
1019     margin-bottom:     0.5em ;  /* Leave a little room at the bottom so images won't run together if they are adjacent list items. */
1020 }
1022 /*
1023  *  Left page border in an aside element using an image.
1024  *
1025  *  <p>
1026  *  <img class="border" 
1027  *       src="../Images/otherInterestsBorderImage.jpg" 
1028  *       alt="Art Gallery Image Border." />
1029  *  </p>
1030  */
1031 img.border
1032 {
1033     /* Normal CSS flow in a page. */
1034     display:           block ;
1036     /* Blueish color until we load the image. */
1037     background-color:  rgb( 170, 235, 245 ) ;
1039     /* Image fills the entire area vertically. Make it thin since it's just for decoration. */
1040     top:               0 ;
1041     left:              0 ;
1042     width:             1.2em ;
1043     height:            100% ;
1045     /*  Give us a thin vertical dividing line on the right of the image for contrast. */
1046     border-right-style: solid ;
1047     border-right-width: 0.1em ;
1048     border-right-color: blue ;
1049 }
1051 /*
1052  * ----------------------- Canvas--------------------------------------------
1053  */
1055 /* Put a blue dotted line around the canvas.*/
1056 canvas
1057 {
1058     border-width:   0.2em ;
1059     border-style:   dotted ;
1060     border-color:   blue ;
1062     /* Image won't be larger than containing block (usually the body element).  The body 
1063        containing box is the viewport on mobile devices or browser window on desktops.  */
1064     max-width:      100% ;
1065 }
1067 /*
1068  * ---------------------- Horizontal rule -----------------------------------
1069  */
1070 /* Horizontal rule. */
1071 hr
1072 {
1073     height:            0.5em ;
1075     background-image:  url( "Images/blueBar.png" ) ;
1076     background-color:  rgb(   0,   0, 153 ) ;   /* Show dark blue solid color until the image loads. */
1077     border:            none ;
1079     margin-left:       1em ;
1080     margin-right:      1em ;
1082     clear:             both ;                   /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
1083 }
1085 /*
1086 * --------------------- Figures --------------------------------------------
1087 *
1088 * Figure floats to the left, letting text wrap around to the right.
1089 * It contains one or more images which flow downwards followed by a figure caption.
1090 *
1091 *  <figure>
1092 *     <img src="topImage.jpg" />
1093 *     <img src="botImage.jpg" />
1094 *
1095 *     <figcaption>
1096 *        These are two figure images.
1097 *     </figcaption>
1098 *  </figure>
1099 *
1100 * <p>
1101 * The figure will float to the left and this text will flow around to the right.
1102 * </p>
1103 *
1104 *  To float the figure to the right, use 
1105 *      <figure style="float: right">
1106 */
1107 figure
1108 {
1109     /* Figure is a flex container.  Items flow in 1D downwards. */
1110     display:           flex ;
1111     flex-flow:         column ;
1112     justify-content:   flex-start ;                 /* Justify the first item at the left of this container. */
1114     text-align:        center ;
1116     background-color:  rgb( 100, 150, 150 ) ;       /* Dark blue-gray. */
1117     padding:           1em 1em 1em 1em ;            /* Padding is colored same as the background color. */
1119     border:            0.2em silver solid ;         /* Border. */
1120     border-radius:     1em ;                        /* Rounded corners. */
1122     margin:            1.5em 1.5em 1.5em 1.5em ;    /* Space it away from the other elements in the page. */
1124     float:             left ;                       /* Float the figure to the left and have text flow around it to the right. */
1125 }
1127 /* Figure background in a technical report has a lighter color to match the lighter body. */
1128 body.technicalReport figure
1129 {
1130     background-color:  rgb( 170, 205, 205 ) ;   /* Light blue-gray. */
1131 }
1133 figcaption
1134 {
1135     font-style:   italic ;
1136     font-size:    smaller ;
1137     text-indent:  0 ;
1138 }
1140 /* Apply only to an image inside the figure.
1141  * Since we use a descendent selector so this also works for an image inside an href inside the figure. 
1142  */
1143 figure img
1144 {
1145     max-width:       90% ;
1147     padding-left:    0.5em ;  /* In case we have multiple images, leave some space between. */
1148     padding-right:   0.5em ;
1149     padding-top:     0.5em ;
1150     padding-bottom:  0.5em ;
1151 }
1153 /* Apply only to a hyperlink directly inside class figure. */
1154 figure > a
1155 {
1156     padding-left:   0.5em ;  /* In case we have multiple hyperlinks, leave some space between. */
1157     padding-right:  0.5em ;
1158 }
1160 /*
1161  * --------------------- Illustrated Paragraph ----------------------------------------------
1162  *
1163  * Paragraph which starts with an image, and contains text.
1164  *
1165  * <div class="illustratedparagraph">
1166  *     <p>
1167  *         <img src=... />
1168  *     <p>
1169  * </div>
1170  *
1171  * <p>
1172  * The text in this second paragraph will flow to the right.
1173  * </p>
1174  *
1175  */
1176 div.illustratedparagraph
1177 {
1178     float: left ;           /* Float this paragraph to the left and have text and other elements flow around to the right. */
1180     margin-left:   0 ;      /* Hard against left edge of page. */
1181     margin-bottom: 1em ;    /* Leave space at the bottom. */
1182     /* 
1183      * Keep all other f l o a t i n g elements away from left and right sides of this paragraph.
1184      * But do let text flow around. 
1185      */
1186     clear: both ;
1187 }
1189 /* Only within an illustrated paragraph, inside the first hyperlink, 
1190  * capitalize the text.
1191  */
1192 div.illustratedparagraph a:first-child
1193 {
1194     text-transform:  uppercase ;  /* All bold caps. */
1195 }
1197 /*  Icon image.  */
1198 div.illustratedparagraph img
1199 {
1200     float:   left ;   /* Inside this illustrated paragraphs, the image floats to the left, and text flows around to the right. */
1202     border:  none ;   /* Turn off the hyperlink border on the image. */
1204     margin-right:   0.5em ; /* Leave space between image and text. */
1205     margin-bottom:  0.2em ;
1206     /* Image won't be larger than containing block (usually the body element).  The body 
1207        containing box is the viewport on mobile devices or browser window on desktops.  */
1208     max-width:  30% ;
1210     /* Let text flow around the image in a circle instead of a square box. */
1211     /* shape-outside: circle(50%); */
1212 }
1214 /*  This is special text for use to the right of the image.  */
1215 div.illustratedparagraph p
1216 {
1217    text-align:       justify ;
1219    background-color: transparent ;
1220 }
1222 /*
1223  * ----------------------- Lists --------------------------------------------
1224  */
1226 /*  Unordered list with a slightly smaller font,
1227 *  small Images for bullets.
1228 */
1229 ul
1230 {
1231     font-family:       Verdana, Geneva, "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif ;
1232     font-size:         1.0em ;
1234     padding-left:      0.5em ;
1235     margin-left:       2em ;
1237     margin-top:        1.5em ;
1238     margin-bottom:     1.5em ;
1240     list-style-image:  url( "Images/smallBlueBullet.png" ) ;
1241     list-style-type:   none ;       /* Remove list bullets. */
1243     clear:             both ; /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
1244 }
1246 /*  Ordered list with a slightly smaller font.  */
1247 ol
1248 {
1249     font-family:       Verdana, Geneva, "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif ;
1250     font-size:         0.9em ;
1252     padding-left:      0.5em ;
1254     margin-left:       3em ;
1256     clear: both ; /* Keep any floating elements away from both left and right sides. */
1257 }
1259 /*  Unordered list with small black disks. */
1260 ul.bullet
1261 {
1262     font-size:           0.9em ;
1264     padding-left:        0.5em ;
1266     margin-left:         4em ;
1268     list-style-image:    none ;      /* Remove list bullets. */
1269     list-style-type:     disc ;
1270 }
1272 /*  Unordered list with small black rectangles and text wrap around. */
1273 ul.minorBullet
1274 {
1275    font-size:           0.9em ;
1276    list-style-image:    none ;      /* Remove list bullets. */
1277    list-style-type:     square ;
1278    list-style-position: inside ;
1279 }
1281 /*
1282  * ----------------------- Tables -------------------------------------------
1283  */
1285 /*  Default tables have a solid black border and are as wide as the page.
1286     Collapse internal borders.
1287  */
1288 table
1289 {
1290     border-collapse:    collapse ;
1291     border-style:       solid ;
1292     border-color:       rgb( 100, 100, 255 ) ;
1293     border-width:       thin ;
1295     width:              100% ;
1296 }
1298 /* Table rows and columns have thin borders. */
1299 td
1300 {
1301     border-style:       solid ;
1302     border-color:       rgb( 100, 100, 255 ) ;
1303     border-width:       thin ;
1304 }
1306 /*
1307  * Special table for software downloads.
1308  */
1309 table.download
1310 {
1311     border-collapse:    collapse ;
1312     border-style:       solid ;
1313     border-color:       rgb( 200, 100, 50 ) ; /* Brownish. */
1314     border-width:       0.2em ;
1315     margin-left:        2em ;
1316     width:              90% ;
1317 }
1319 table.download td
1320 {
1321     width:     20em ;         /* Minimum width of cell. */
1322 }
1324 table.download td.package
1325 {
1326     width:     20em ;                  /* Minimum width of cell. */
1327     color:     rgb( 150, 100, 100 ) ;
1328 }
1330 /*
1331  * ----------------------- Tooltips -----------------------------------------
1332  *
1333  *     Show tooltip contents (text only) when hovering a mouse or pen controlled cursor over the tooltip element.
1334  *     Mobile devices don't support hover, even with long press gestures.
1335  *
1336  *     Sample HTML:
1337  *         <span data-text="I am the tooltip contents." class="I'm a tooltip:  hover over me to see tooltip contents!">Tooltip text</span>
1338  */
1339 @media (any-hover: hover)
1340 {
1341     /*  Make the style visible as a tooltip. */
1342     span.tooltip
1343     {
1344         /* Since we don't specify any top/bottom/left/right property/values which would shift this element 
1345            relative TO ITSELF, this is the same as the default static positioning, i.e. normal document flow.
1346            Why do we need this?  Because the child class span.tooltip:before uses absolute positioning; 
1347            it needs this parent class to have either relative or absolute positioning for that to work. */
1348         position:      relative ;
1350         /* Indicate the tooltip be a dashed line below its text. */
1351         border-bottom: 0.2em dashed rgb( 50, 100, 150 ) ;
1352     }
1354     /* Tooltip content.
1355      * This child class (:before) of the parent class (span.tooltip) is a pseudoclass which inserts content 
1356      * before the first item in the tooltip.span class, i.e. at the start of the tooltip text.  It doesn't
1357      * actually change the DOM.  Actually it won't be inserted at all: we will take the position of this 
1358      * tooltip content out of the normal document flow anyway by using absolute positioning.
1359      * And that's because we want it hover over the tooltip.
1360      */
1361     span.tooltip:before
1362     {
1363         /* Pull the tooltip text from the parent HTML span data-text value. */
1364         content:    attr( data-text ) ;
1366         text-align: center ;
1367         color:      white ;
1368         background: darkblue ;
1370         /* Wide enough for a reasonable chunk of text when hovering. */
1371         width:      10em ;
1373         /* Take us out of the normal document flow.  The position is relative to the initial containing block,
1374          * which is the edge of the padding box of the nearest ancestor element which has a relative position,
1375          * in our case, span.tooltip.  So long story short, the tooltip contents will hover in a box whose upper
1376          * left corner is the upper left corner padding of the tooltip text.  But then we 
1377          * position using top and transform.
1378          */
1379         position: absolute ;
1381         left: 50% ;                     /* Place left edge of box 1/2 to the right in the tooltip. */
1382         transform: translateX( -50% ) ; /* Then shift it 1/2 way up to center horizontally. */
1383         top: -1em ;  /* Center vertically. */
1385         padding:       1em ;
1386         border-radius: 1.5em ;
1388         /* Tooltip contents is stacked on top of all other display elements. */
1389         z-index: 99 ;
1391         /* Won't show up until we hover. */
1392         opacity: 0 ;
1394         /* Fade in when we set opacity = 1 during hover. */
1395         transition: 0.3s opacity ;
1396         transition-delay: 100ms ;
1397     }
1399     /* Mouse cursor is hovering either over the box of the parent element span.tooltip 
1400      * OR the box of the child class span.tooltip:before.   In either case, make it opaque. 
1401      */
1402     span.tooltip:hover:before
1403     {
1404         opacity: 1 ;
1405     }
1406 }
1408 /*
1409  * ----------------------- Art Gallery --------------------------------------
1410  */
1412 /* Art gallery:  container for paintings which looks like a wall where we hang the art. */
1413 div.gallery
1414 {
1415     /* Items within this container are of flexbox type.  They flow in 1D horizontally. */
1416     display: flex ;
1417     /* Put the first painting at the beginning. */
1418     justify-content: flex-start ;
1419     /* Paintings wrap around to the next row. */
1420     flex-flow:       row wrap ;
1422     /* Art gallery wall is bluish gray. */
1423     background-color:       rgb( 70, 70, 90 ) ;
1424     background-position:    top left ;
1425     background-attachment:  fixed ;
1426     background-repeat:      repeat ;
1428     /* Deep blue frame for the art gallery. */
1429     border-color:           rgb( 70, 85, 251 ) ;
1430 }
1432 /* Mobile devices don't have hover and usually don't honor fixed background due to increased computation. */
1433 @media (hover: none)
1434 {
1435     div.gallery
1436     {
1437         background-attachment: initial ;
1438     }
1439 }
1441 /* A painting contains a canvas and title. */
1442 div.painting
1443 {
1444     text-align: center ;
1446     background-color:       transparent ;
1448     /* Items within this container are of flexbox type.  They flow in 1D vertically. */
1449     display: flex ;
1450     flex-direction: column ;
1451 }
1453 /* Title of a canvas. */
1454 div.painting p
1455 {
1456     color:       silver ;
1457     font-style:  italic ;
1458     font-size:   smaller ;
1459     text-align:  center ;
1460 }
1462 /* A canvas is an image with a black frame.  */
1463 div.painting img
1464 {
1465     /* Silvery gray background behind the canvas of the painting.  When we pad, this will show between canvas and picture frame. 
1466      * Also if the canvas is round, i.e. image is rectangular, but alpha = 0 outside the circular canvas, this will show.
1467      */
1468     background-color: rgb( 150, 150, 170 ) ;
1470     max-width: 20em ;
1472     /* Between the painting canvas and the frame. */
1473     padding:          0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em ;
1475     /* The picture frame is black and rather thick. */
1476     border-style:     solid ;
1477     border-color:     black ;
1478     border-width:     0.8em ;
1480     /* A little bit of margin so that the picture frames don't run into each other. */
1481     margin: 0.3em 0.3em 0.3em 0.3em ;
1482 }
1484 /* Use an ID selector to apply to one painting only.  Turn off the padding because 
1485  * the image has its own elliptical black frame already.
1486  */
1487 div.painting img#GirlFromKweilin
1488 {
1489     background-color:       rgb( 28, 28, 28 ) ;
1491     padding:                0 0 0 0 ;
1492 }
1494 /*
1495  * ------------------------------ Printing ----------------------------------
1496  */
1498 /* For printing, omit the navigation and borders.
1499  * To test, do print preview from a web browser to see the pdf file.
1500  * Or to test on a browser in display mode, temporarily replace "print" with "screen".
1501  */
1502 @media print
1503 {
1504     /* Turn off the grid. */
1505     div.wrapper
1506     {
1507         display: block ;
1508     }
1510     /* Turn off the navigation sidebars. */
1511     nav, header.navigation
1512     {
1513         display: none ;
1514     }
1516     /* Turn off decorative border Images. */
1517     aside.border
1518     {
1519         display: none ;
1520     }
1522     /*  Leave less margin on the left of the page since border image is gone. 
1523      *  Remove all background images (printers don't print white).
1524      */
1525     body
1526     {
1527         background:    white ;
1529         margin-left:   3em ;
1530         margin-right:  2em ;
1531     }
1533     /* Turn off scrolling in scroll boxes and show the whole content. */
1534     div.scrollBox, div.scrollBoxContent
1535     {
1536         background:    white ;    /* Remove background color (printers don't print white). */
1537         overflow:      auto ;     /* No scrollbars;  just show the whole content. */
1538         white-space:   pre-wrap ; /* Preserve whitespace.  Wrap when necessary and on newlines. */
1540         width:         auto ;     /* Expand the box size to whatever necessary. */
1541         height:        auto ;     /* Expand the box size to whatever necessary. */
1542     }
1544     figure
1545     {
1546         background:    white ;    /* Remove background color (printers don't print white). */
1547     }
1549     table.gallery
1550     {
1551         background:    white ;    /* Remove background color (printers don't print white). */
1552     }
1553 }