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  8 |     Life.html
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 11 |
 12 |     This is the game of life web page.
 13 |     It is a hand-crafted HTML 5 W3C validated document.
 14 |
 15 | AUTHOR
 16 |
 17 |    Sean Erik O'Connor
 18 |
 19 =================================================================== -->
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 33               content="Game of Life implemented in Javascript and Windows --- free software." />
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 39              content="Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by Sean Erik O'Connor.  All Rights Reserved." />
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104             <article class="content">
105                 <section>
106                     <h3>Game of Life in Javascript</h3>
108                     <p>
109                     This is an implementation of J. H. Conway's cellular automata
110                     <a href="http://conwaylife.com/wiki/Main_Page">game of life</a>
111                     in Javascript where the game board is a topologically a torus.  See my
112                     <a href="theory.html">design notes</a>
113                     for a description of the game and how it is designed.
114                     </p>
116                     <!-- Game of Life canvas -->
117                     <p>
118                         <canvas id="GameOfLifeCanvas" 
119                                 width="1000" height="1000" 
120                                 style="background-color:  rgb( 170, 235, 245 ) ;">
121                             <em>Your browser does not support the canvas API so I can't show game of life!</em>
122                         </canvas>
123                     </p>
125                     <!-- Game of Life form controls -->
126                     <form id="LifePatternsForm">
127                         <ul>
128                             <li>
129                                 <!-- Buttons to start/stop, single step and reset the game.  
130                                      Upon click, call the Javascript functions runStopGame(), singleStepGame() and clearGame(). 
131                                   -->
132                                   <fieldset>
133                                       <legend>Game Controls</legend>
135                                       <input type="button" onclick="gameOfLife.runStopGame()"    value="Run/Stop" />
136                                       <input type="button" onclick="gameOfLife.singleStepGame()" value="Single Step" />
137                                       <input type="button" onclick="gameOfLife.clearGame()"      value="Clear" />
138                                  </fieldset>
139                             </li>
141                             <li>
142                                 <!-- Check box buttons to select number of neighbors for survival and birth.  
143                                      If the user toggles the button, call the Javascript function changeRules( flag ) 
144                                      where flag = true for survival or false for birth.
145                                      Default to the Conway rules. 
146                                   -->
147                                <fieldset>
148                                    <legend>Neighbors to survive</legend>
150                                    <label> 1 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="1"         onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
151                                    <label> 2 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="2" checked onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
152                                    <label> 3 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="3" checked onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
153                                    <label> 4 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="4"         onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
154                                    <label> 5 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="5"         onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
155                                    <label> 6 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="6"         onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
156                                    <label> 7 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="7"         onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
157                                    <label> 8 <input type="checkbox" name="SurvivalRules" value="8"         onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( true )"> </label>
158                                </fieldset>
159                             </li>
161                             <li>
162                                 <fieldset>
163                                      <legend>Neighbors for birth</legend>
165                                      <label> 1 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="1"            onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
166                                      <label> 2 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="2"            onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
167                                      <label> 3 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="3" checked    onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
168                                      <label> 4 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="4"            onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
169                                      <label> 5 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="5"            onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
170                                      <label> 6 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="6"            onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
171                                      <label> 7 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="7"            onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
172                                      <label> 8 <input type="checkbox" name="BirthRules" value="8"            onchange="gameOfLife.changeRules( false )"> </label>
173                                  </fieldset>
174                             </li>
176                             <li>
177                                 <!-- Game of Life File I/O -->
178                                 <fieldset>
179                                     <legend>File I/O</legend>
181                                     <!-- Tag the input form with unique id GameOfLifeLoadFile.
182                                          Get the element by its id in the Javascript function initializeGameOfLife().
183                                          Add an event listener to the element which responds to changes by calling a function make_fileSelectForReading(). 
184                                          The function argument is an event which is the list of files.
185                                      -->
186                                     <input type="file"   id="GameOfLifeLoadFile"  name="files[]" multiple />
187                                 </fieldset>
188                             </li>
190                             <li>
191                                 <!-- Game of Life clipboard controls -->
192                                 <fieldset>
193                                     <legend>Clipboard</legend>
195                                     <input type="button" onclick="gameOfLife.writeGameToClipboard()"  value="Write" />
196                                     <input type="button" onclick="gameOfLife.readGameFromClipboard()" value="Read" />
197                                 </fieldset>
198                             </li>
200                             <li>
201                                 <!-- Radio buttons for loading sample life patterns. 
202                                      Call the Javascript function loadSampleLifePattern(). 
203                                 -->
204                                 <fieldset>
205                                     <legend>Life Pattern</legend>
207                                     <!-- Tag the selection in the form with unique id LifePatterns.
208                                      Get the element by its id in the Javascript function initializeGameOfLife().
209                                      Add an event listener to the element which responds to changes by calling a function make_loadSampleLifePattern().
210                                      The function argument is an event which is the option selected. 
211                                     -->
212                                     <select id="LifePatterns">
213                                         <option selected value="glidergun">Glider Gun</option>
214                                         <option value="replicator">Replicator</option>
215                                         <option value="crab">Crab</option>
216                                         <option value="shickengine">Schick Engine</option>
217                                         <option value="trafficcircle">Traffic Circle</option>
218                                         <option value="highlifeglidergun">High Life Glider Gun</option>
219                                     </select>
220                                 </fieldset>
221                             </li>
223                             <li>
224                                 <!-- Game of life status.  Javascript accesses the span by its id and rewrites its contents.  -->
225                                 <span style="color: navy;  font-size: 0.8em;" id="GameOfLifeState"> --- Game State --- </span>
226                             </li>
227                         </ul>
228                     </form>
230                         <!-- Clipboard form for Game of Life files. -->
231                         <form>
232                             <ul>
233                                 <li>
234                                     Game of Life Clipboard
235                                     <fieldset>
236                                         <textarea id="GameOfLifeClipboard" rows="10">
237                                         ---Life file---
238                                         </textarea>
239                                     </fieldset>
240                                 </li>
242                                 <li>
243                                     <!-- Game of life cell state -->
244                                     <span style="color: navy;  font-size: 0.6em ; clear: both;" id="GameOfLifeCellState"> --- Cell State --- </span>
245                                 </li>
246                             </ul>
247                         </form>
249                     <!-- Output window for game of life. -->
250                     <div class="scrollBoxHuge"> <div class="scrollBoxContent" id="GameOfLifeDebug">
251                             --- Life Counter States Go Here ---
252                     </div> </div>
254                     <!-- Initialize the Game of Life application after all HTML elements have been defined. -->
255                     <script>
256                         gameOfLife.init() ;
257                     </script>
258                 </section>
260                 <section>
261                     <h3>Software Architecture</h3>
263                     <p>
264                     It's in two parts, HTML/CSS for the user interface and the Javascript for the actions.
265                     </p>
267                     <h4>Preloading the JavaScript</h4>
268                     <p>
269                     In this HTML file, <em>life.html</em>, we preload the Javascript program <em>gameOfLife.js</em> in the head section.
270                     </p>
272                     <h4>Canvas, Forms and Controls</h4>
274                     <p>
275                     First, we set up a page wide canvas for the game board.
276                     </p>
278                     <p>
279                     Game controls and status buttons are HTML forms.  Their styles defined by CSS.  The controls have types and ID's to tie
280                     them to the Javascript.
281                     </p>
283                         <ul>
284                             <li>Some fields of the form have their actions call Javascript functions directly.  Example:  birth and death rule checkboxes.</li>
285                             <li>Other fields send their handles to into the Javascript upon initialization where they are linked to event listeners.  Example: file name box, mouse click on the canvas.</li>
286                             <li>Still other fields have their contents rewritten by Javascript functions as internal states change.  Example:  clipboard.</li>
287                         </ul>
289                     <h4>JavaScript Objects</h4>
291                     <p>
292                     First we create a <strong>Game of Life Base Object</strong>.  It contains the settings and links to DOM elements.
293                     Next we create a <strong>Game of Life Object</strong> from the base object.  This object has most of the functions.
294                     Due to delegation along the prototype chain, we have access to the base object data and methods.
295                     Finally we initialize the Game of Life object as the last step.
296                     </p>
298                     <ul>
299                         <li>Using the unique id's in the HTML form controls, it gets handles to the canvas, game state, cell state, debug scrollbox, file input form,
300                             clipboard, and other HTML elements.</li>
301                         <li>Creates callback functions, some using closures, tied to form actions, events, etc.</li>
302                         <li>Creates a timer and registers a single step game function with it.</li>
303                         <li>There's a bit of minor cleanup where upon loading the body section, we call a function to initialize checkmarks in the game state form.</li>
304                     </ul>
306                     <figure>
307                         <img src="Images/GameOfLifeObjects01.jpg" alt="Game of Life Objects" >
308                         <img src="Images/GameOfLifeObjects02.jpg" alt="Game of Life Objects" >
310                        <figcaption>
311                            Game of Life Objects and the Prototype Chain.
312                        </figcaption>
313                     </figure>
314                 </section>
316                 <section>
317                     <h3>Download</h3>
319                     <p>
320                         Source code <em>Version 3.4</em> is distributed under the terms of the
321                         <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/">GNU General Public License</a>.
322                     </p>
324                     <table class="download">
325                         <tr>
326                             <td>
327                                 <em>gameOfLife.js</em>
328                             </td>
330                             <td>
331                             Game of Life implemented in <i>Javascript</i>
332                             </td>
334                             <td>
335                                 <a href="Scripts/gameOfLife.js.html">
336                                    <img src="../../../Images/eye.png" 
337                                         alt="Eye icon for source code viewing." 
338                                         width="30" height="30" />
339                                 View</a>
341                                 &nbsp; &nbsp;
343                                 <a href="Scripts/gameOfLife.js" download="gameOfLife.js">
344                                    <img src="../../../Images/compactDisk.png" 
345                                         alt="Compact disk icon for source code download." 
346                                         width="25" height="25" />
347                                 Download</a>
348                             </td>
349                         </tr>
350                         <tr>
351                             <td>
352                             <em>life.html</em>
353                             </td>
355                             <td>
356                             HTML code for this page which calls gameOfLife.js
357                             </td>
359                             <td>
360                                 <a href="life.html.html">
361                                    <img src="../../../Images/eye.png" 
362                                         alt="Eye icon for source code viewing." 
363                                         width="30" height="30" />
364                                 View</a>
365                             </td>
366                         </tr>
367                     </table>
368                 </section>
370                 <section>
371                     <h3>Debugging</h3>
373                     The browsers (Safari, Firefox, Opera) have developer tools for debugging,
375                     <figure>
376                         <img src="Images/SafariDeveloperTools.jpg" alt="Safari Web Browser Developer Tools" >
378                        <figcaption>
379                            Safari Web Browser Developer Tools
380                        </figcaption>
381                     </figure>
382                </section>
383             </article>
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386                 <hr />
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389                 <p class="footnote">
390                     Copyright &copy; 1986-2022 by Sean Erik O'Connor.
391                     All Rights Reserved.
392                     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
393                     last updated 01 Jan 24.
394                 </p>
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